He works in ways we cannot see.
And He always make a way for me no matter how bleak the future seems.
Let me give another testimony.
I was woken up at 9.30am by WanSim who had a job for me. She needed me to bring the One Life Event banner to M2 hostel. The banner is a 2.5mx0.8m and is made of thick plastic fibers. Heavy..
I needed to compile the program list for the different committees so that I can pass to them and brief them about the major points they needed to look out for during the event.
I needed to print the program lists after I was done with them.
WanSim called around 11.30am to ask me to bring Marcus' bible for him.
Vashni requested that I bring a bag of refreshments for Rev. Kevin Loo as she was hospitality team but she didn't want to lag the bag with 2 bottles of mineral water to class.
I have russian class at 2pm till 5pm.
I have to attend the Combined Leaders Meeting compulsory for all leaders which begins at 7pm but we needed to be there by 6.30pm for prayer and to prepare to receive the Rev.
There you have it, the things that I had to complete today. Let me tell you about how God blessed me during this day. (",)
I began typing at my computer. I worked at putting the program lists together and it took a rather long time. Perhaps I'm so not made for this kind of secretarial work. By that time, after the distractions of taking the bible and Vashni's refreshment bag, I completed the program lists around noon. To make it on time for my class, I had to leave latest by 12.30pm. So I went to print the lists. And lo behold, Vashni already left for her class and she left me the key. So I had to go and print the lists myself. And with editing it and checking it and then printing it, all done myself, I came back to my room at 12.40pm. Shocked myself. But I told myself that I could still make it on time if I rushed.
And then, guess what, I saw the banner. The large heavy burden it was, sitting beside my bed. And I still needed to drop by M2 which was out of my way to pass it to Pauline. Second shock. And this time, I knew I'd be late. And really really late for class. But I had no choice. I got my things together and left the room. On the way out, I remembered God. So I kinda disbelievingly just told Him that I'd be late for class, but I still sorta hoped that He would give me a safe journey and take care of me while I travelled. In His way of course.
I caught the bus that would take me to M2, and whispered a thank you to God. And then, surprise surprise.. I got a message from my russian teacher saying that she would be an hour late due to heavy snowfall and a broken down car. Wow! My heart leaped. I thanked God. Somehow, by some method that even I could not dream of, He had provided a way for me to still make it to class on time, by delaying my teacher.. =p
I called my groupmates to inform them and WanSim took the opportunity to ask me to check the USD-rouble exchange rate at Yougo-zapadnaya. I told her that I wouldn't pass there already since I was already at M2 and it would be nearer for me to get to Konkovo instead. Then I got a call from Pauline saying that she wanted to get to class already. I was wondering how could I allow her to drag such a heavy burden to class and back when I got another call from SuetYin asking if i needed help in anything while she was at the hostel. Praise God, problem solved. He provided suddenly for no apparant reason. I had only asked Isaac to supply me with a name of someone still in M2 hostel and he had given me Pauline's name. He had no reason to call SuetYin to help me, but he did. I praise God for His Hand in all things.
After passing on the banner, relieving myself of some heaviness, I decided to take the slightly longer route to Yougo-zapadnaya to do WanSim a favor of checking the exchange rate. I thought it'd be only slightly longer. But I didn't realise that that route was heavily jammed. And this time, I would be really really late. Exceptionally late for class. I decided to just let things be. Again, God didn't fail me, my teacher came 2 mins after I arrived. (",)
Look at how God blesses me and takes care of me? He helped me to achieve things in a way that was impossible, improbably, something that I could never have thought of. Praise Him the most High who still takes time out to show me how much He loves and cares for me..
And now,
For the main event,
The combined leaders' meeting with Rev. Kevin Loo from Malaysia.
The main structure of building a church is strong leadership.
It would be easier to teach 60 leaders than 60 members,
Because then the work would be lightened by 60x.
The question was,
How strong can we build the base of leadership?
And are you qualified or not to be a leader?
All human beings need to be leaders,
We all need to lead ourselves.
*To lead others, use your heart.
To lead yourself, use your head*
This means that we can not be emotional when leading ourselves.
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you."
Isaiah 60:1
For He who chooses to live inside of us,
Lives in our very core.
"Koelia" (greek)
Means the space between our diaphragm and ribs,
Our very core.
And so,
Now that God Almighty lives inside of me,
What Should I Do?
If we could go back to Genesis 0:0,
We find that there was nothing,
But even during that time,
He already knew me,
He already planned for me,
He already loved me.
The Bible,
Begins with Eden but ends with Jerusalem,
Begins with Abram but ends with Abraham (father of many),
Begins with Sara but ends with Sarah (mother of many),
Begins with one who was hated (Joseph) but ends with a prime minister,
Begins with a shepherd (David) but ends with a king,
Begins with fishermen but ends with fishers of men.
Therefore, we can see that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of increase.
The Glory of God increases when we increase our understanding of God.
God cannot change,
He is complete,
From the very beginning.
It's us who has to change.
Our perception of God will determine the kind of life we'll live.
1, God has chosen us for a great increase.
2, Be committed for greater good in our life.
3, We must set ourselves free for greater increase.
Eternal life begins the moment we believe in God.
Eternity is not a place we go to after death.
Eternity is the realm in which God dwells.
If you say that we who live in the mortal realm,
Can only go to God in eternity after we die,
You are so wrong..
Eternity is a realm with no concept of time,
For growth can occur only with time.
Thus, when we know God,
We begin to experience God's realm in our lives.
Increase in our lives is never determined by circumstances,
It begins on the inside of us.
And now,
The problem of Poverty and Prosperity.
Poverty is not the state of not having,
But the fear of not getting causes you to hold on to what you already have.
Prosperity is not the state of having,
But expectations and faith of increase which causes you to give from which you already have.
And increase not only in money,
But in every area of our lives.
"The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it."
Lives in our very core.
"Koelia" (greek)
Means the space between our diaphragm and ribs,
Our very core.
And so,
Now that God Almighty lives inside of me,
What Should I Do?
If we could go back to Genesis 0:0,
We find that there was nothing,
But even during that time,
He already knew me,
He already planned for me,
He already loved me.
The Bible,
Begins with Eden but ends with Jerusalem,
Begins with Abram but ends with Abraham (father of many),
Begins with Sara but ends with Sarah (mother of many),
Begins with one who was hated (Joseph) but ends with a prime minister,
Begins with a shepherd (David) but ends with a king,
Begins with fishermen but ends with fishers of men.
Therefore, we can see that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of increase.
The Glory of God increases when we increase our understanding of God.
God cannot change,
He is complete,
From the very beginning.
It's us who has to change.
Our perception of God will determine the kind of life we'll live.
1, God has chosen us for a great increase.
2, Be committed for greater good in our life.
3, We must set ourselves free for greater increase.
Eternal life begins the moment we believe in God.
Eternity is not a place we go to after death.
Eternity is the realm in which God dwells.
If you say that we who live in the mortal realm,
Can only go to God in eternity after we die,
You are so wrong..
Eternity is a realm with no concept of time,
For growth can occur only with time.
Thus, when we know God,
We begin to experience God's realm in our lives.
Increase in our lives is never determined by circumstances,
It begins on the inside of us.
And now,
The problem of Poverty and Prosperity.
Poverty is not the state of not having,
But the fear of not getting causes you to hold on to what you already have.
Prosperity is not the state of having,
But expectations and faith of increase which causes you to give from which you already have.
And increase not only in money,
But in every area of our lives.
"The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it."
Proverbs 10:22
From here, we can see that there's no catch to God's blessing.
And God's blessing brings wealth.
"But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands."
And God's blessing brings wealth.
"But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands."
Isaiah 32:8
So we need to plan for the wealth God will give us.
"But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today."
"But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today."
Deuteronomy 8:18
And the Lord has given us the ability to generate wealth.
Money can't buy happiness,
Very true,
But money can buy candy,
And that can bring about happiness,
Not only to yourself,
But to others as well,
Be realistic.
Only 2 kinds of people do not need money:
1, People who are dead.
2, People who don't have visions for their life.
Money is not the answer for everything,
But we need money for quite a lot of things,
We need money,
But don't let money control you,
You control the money.
You have an edge,
Use it!
Christians with the Holy Spirit and don't use it,
Is just like a soldier with a gun but doesn't know how to use it.
As a Christian,
We have an unfair advantage,
It's called DiScRiMiNaTiOn.
Because God gives us favor,
Because we are children of God.
So we need to learn how to use this unfair advantage correctly.
(fine line here, don't overstep your boundary!!)

And so,
The Financial Vision Pie.
1, Tithe (10%)
We need to learn to put vision in our finance.
The wealth of God is like a river,
But we are not God,
So our wealth is only like a pie.
Placing food in a place where it doesn't belong,
The rats will come and destroy it,
So put your tithe properly,
And more will be given on to you,
Not taken away.
2, Savings (10%)
A bank account without an atm card,
Clear as day.
3, Investment (10%)
The mistake most people make,
Is that they invest their savings.
Don't ever invest savings,
Savings are never to be moved.
Investments are for things like insurance...
4, Rainy Days (10%)
You may fall sick?
Motor vehicle accidents?
Отработка? =p
You get what I mean..
5, Retirement/Wedding/Education (10%)
I don't need to elaborate here..
And from the leftover 50%,
this is what defines how you live,
after giving of offerings,
taxes (Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar),
car loan,
Whatever leftover?
Is for you to enjoy life with as God's blessing. (",)
Money can't buy happiness,
Very true,
But money can buy candy,
And that can bring about happiness,
Not only to yourself,
But to others as well,
Be realistic.
Only 2 kinds of people do not need money:
1, People who are dead.
2, People who don't have visions for their life.
Money is not the answer for everything,
But we need money for quite a lot of things,
We need money,
But don't let money control you,
You control the money.
You have an edge,
Use it!
Christians with the Holy Spirit and don't use it,
Is just like a soldier with a gun but doesn't know how to use it.
As a Christian,
We have an unfair advantage,
It's called DiScRiMiNaTiOn.
Because God gives us favor,
Because we are children of God.
So we need to learn how to use this unfair advantage correctly.
(fine line here, don't overstep your boundary!!)
And so,
The Financial Vision Pie.
1, Tithe (10%)
We need to learn to put vision in our finance.
The wealth of God is like a river,
But we are not God,
So our wealth is only like a pie.
Placing food in a place where it doesn't belong,
The rats will come and destroy it,
So put your tithe properly,
And more will be given on to you,
Not taken away.
2, Savings (10%)
A bank account without an atm card,
Clear as day.
3, Investment (10%)
The mistake most people make,
Is that they invest their savings.
Don't ever invest savings,
Savings are never to be moved.
Investments are for things like insurance...
4, Rainy Days (10%)
You may fall sick?
Motor vehicle accidents?
Отработка? =p
You get what I mean..
5, Retirement/Wedding/Education (10%)
I don't need to elaborate here..
And from the leftover 50%,
this is what defines how you live,
after giving of offerings,
taxes (Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar),
car loan,
Whatever leftover?
Is for you to enjoy life with as God's blessing. (",)
And now,
To the main topic,
1, Faith bring increase.
Faith will cause our walk with God to be alive.
Faith is not visible,
Things invisible are more powerful than things visible.
If our faith can increase,
It can also decrease!!
And one can never understand faith until one has overcame fear.
Faith will increase when we step out,
And the light will only be bright enough for us to take the next step.
Just as a car headlights will only illuminate the road to be taken,
And not the destination.
"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."
To the main topic,
1, Faith bring increase.
Faith will cause our walk with God to be alive.
Faith is not visible,
Things invisible are more powerful than things visible.
If our faith can increase,
It can also decrease!!
And one can never understand faith until one has overcame fear.
Faith will increase when we step out,
And the light will only be bright enough for us to take the next step.
Just as a car headlights will only illuminate the road to be taken,
And not the destination.
"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."
Romans 10:17
A leader's life is a tougher life,
But a much better one.
Live with more faith,
And you'll see God in every step.
This is the best life one can have.
God knows as well,
The desire of our hearts,
And He rewards/gives us our desires respectively.
Believe me,
This is so true.
2, Wisdom increases increase.
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though is cost all you have, get understanding."
But a much better one.
Live with more faith,
And you'll see God in every step.
This is the best life one can have.
God knows as well,
The desire of our hearts,
And He rewards/gives us our desires respectively.
Believe me,
This is so true.
2, Wisdom increases increase.
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though is cost all you have, get understanding."
Proverbs 4:7
Just as a professor gives information at lectures,
How we digest and apply the information is wisdom.
God used to provide,
The israelites in the desert,
They had manna and quail,
And all they had to do was gripe and complain every day.
Where was the labor?
Where was the hard work?
God provided provision.
Was now Joshua's turn.
He had to lead them to possess the promised land,
They had to work for it,
They had to believe.
The 10 unbelieving spies,
They still wanted God's free provision,
"They're too strong for us,
They're like giants and we're like grasshoppers,
We can't fight them"
(O Lord,
U kill them for us and we'll just walk up and take the land,
Just like the manna and quail)
But when they worked,
They marched for 7 days,
They did their part,
And God provided with His provision,
The walls came down with only a shout..
How cool is that.
So now, God wants us to move on to Possession from Provision.
We have to take for ourselves what is meant for us.
Nothing is "free" any longer. (",)
Lord is You love me then bless me.
That is long over,
For the Holy Spirit is already with us.
As for me,
I need to become a doctor,
That can give medicine and the hope of life to my patients.
3, Honesty/Integrity keeps the increase.
Be honest,
Remain honest,
And we will continually be blessed.
How good is the Lord,
And how wonderful is His Word.
And here's the man of God who made this possible,
How we digest and apply the information is wisdom.
God used to provide,
The israelites in the desert,
They had manna and quail,
And all they had to do was gripe and complain every day.
Where was the labor?
Where was the hard work?
God provided provision.
Was now Joshua's turn.
He had to lead them to possess the promised land,
They had to work for it,
They had to believe.
The 10 unbelieving spies,
They still wanted God's free provision,
"They're too strong for us,
They're like giants and we're like grasshoppers,
We can't fight them"
(O Lord,
U kill them for us and we'll just walk up and take the land,
Just like the manna and quail)
But when they worked,
They marched for 7 days,
They did their part,
And God provided with His provision,
The walls came down with only a shout..
How cool is that.
So now, God wants us to move on to Possession from Provision.
We have to take for ourselves what is meant for us.
Nothing is "free" any longer. (",)
Lord is You love me then bless me.
That is long over,
For the Holy Spirit is already with us.
As for me,
I need to become a doctor,
That can give medicine and the hope of life to my patients.
3, Honesty/Integrity keeps the increase.
Be honest,
Remain honest,
And we will continually be blessed.
How good is the Lord,
And how wonderful is His Word.
And here's the man of God who made this possible,
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