Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Spring is here! Or perhaps Summer, that I do not know. But I suppose it doesn't really matter. Well, the weather is so good that for the past 2 days us Pushkin-ers are going down to the park in the hostel compound and having fun playing all sorts of sports. I basketball, football, badminton, rollerblade, jog and skip rope. Today we skipped because all our muscles are sore from all the sudden exertion after such a long period of not having sports due to winter.

Anyway, summer, or rather spring is the time said for love to be in the air. Love is in the air eh? I can see that happening like wildfire in my hostel. People are seen together. I wonder if reproduction is being practiced as well.. =] That's a joke. I'm sure medical students know better than to obtain young in the course of growing up.

As for me. I'm going to be up quite late tonight to do some homework and revision since I've been lazy the past few days.. Sheesh, I now have mixed feelings. I want company "girlfriend" but yet I'm glad that I'm not attached now since there are certain things that are more fun to be doing without someone to have to look out for. A girlfriend would scold me when I play computer, go to the video arcade, skip lectures and tease other girls.. But yet a girlfriend would be there when times are hard, she would be a comforter, someone who could support me along in my life.

So, I'm keeping myself out of the Spring Love effect this year and see what happens, although it's not easy. Sigh..

I so need it.

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