Thursday, April 9, 2009


Yesterday, 9/04/09 Thursday, I watched 2 chicken embryos writhe and die as we opened their 1 week old egg shells and poured the contents on a petri dish. It was for studying virus culturing in Microbiology class.

Omgoodness.. The tiny unformed embryo, that looked just like a 3 week old human embryo, had large black eyes that couldn't blink because there weren't any eye lids, small stubs where the wings and legs were supposed to be gave occasional spasms. We could even observe the heart beating occasionally. It died about 5 mins after exposure and the yolk sac broken.

I was told to pour the ounce of flesh and building materials into a jar of strong detergent to make sure all living cells are killed/destroyed/broken down. There were 6 classes going on, if each class had 2 embryonated eggs, that would be 12 chicks killed. Oh wow..

I'll place the video up here after editing..

*I actually felt a little pity for the little embryo. Guess I need to toughen myself up a bit. I can't be a researcher nor a doctor if I feel over experimental subjects*

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