Friday, January 30, 2009

CNY!! 1st time in 2 years. (",)

Ever since "migrating" to Moscow to study, I haven't been able to join my family in celebrating CNY as my term lasts from Sept to July. So when I found out that CNY this year coincided with my winter 2 week break, I made plans to fly home and see if I could collect Angpows or not.

Guess what.. My freaking Anatomy Finals fell 2 days before CNY eve. That meant either I missed reunion dinner or I had to rush home immediately after my finals. I opted for the latter. Thus, my examiners, my fellow coursemates and the russian faculty students watched with wide open eyes as this Weirdo walked into the anatomy department dragging a gigantic luggage bag along with his study notes and textbooks on Doomsday....
An examiner asked if I had just landed and rushed to take my exam.
I told him it was just the opposite.. =p

Anyway, really praise God I passed my exam. I was the 1st freakin studen
t of the entire course to finish the exam too. That's my testimony, that God can do wonders since Anatomy was the ONE subject that I didn't have any confidence in.

I had a safe journey to the airport, to Bangkok and back to KLIA. Along
with me were 4 wonderful, pretty gals who accompanied me all the way to Bangkok then left me alone to wait 9hrs in the lousy airport for my connecting flight while they checked into a free 5 star hotel. (S, HY, KL, and PS, correct me if i'm wrong.. =p) I reached home, had a good, well deserved night's sleep and then, rushed back to Ipoh(me hometown) the very next day for reunion dinner..

Here are a few glimpses of what went on during CNY... (",)

(forgot to take pictures during reunion dinner.. sorry..)

And on Chinese New Year's
Day...We had the tea ceremony and the ANGPOW RECEIVING CEREMONY!!

There.. My 1st angpow from my grandparen
ts. =)

Parents too... (",)

Well, there were those from the uncles and aunties etc etc. But I don't think I'll bore you with their pics. Moving on, we had the "Loh Sang"

Wow... =p

We even had a CNY cake
(made from pumpkin and wheatgrass.. ewww...)

And next...

The grandkids..
(Look at the handsome guy standing right in the middle (",) )

And last of all... Our proudest moment... See for yourself =)

See the blessing God hath given to my grandparents.
(wonder if I could be blessed this way too =p)

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