Monday, January 4, 2010

The Clean Ambulance.

Saw an ambulance today. It was clean, shiny clean. Pulled up to the street near me. 2 paramedics rushed out. They were neatly dressed. Clothes were shining white, neatly pressed, without blemish. They carried a stretcher. The stretcher looked new, strong, firm, and white.

I thought to myself.. They must be going to rescue some rich person, or a politically famous person since it's not often that you see clean ambulances and neatly dressed paramedics with new stretchers. And I watched as they ran up to a drunk dirty old man collapsed on the sidewalk and strapped him in. *huh? All these for a dirty old bum who probably was homeless too?*

But a small voice spoke to me, how much better do you think you are, compared to that old drunk? Remember the clean, unblemished one who came for you when you were drowning in your dirty, filthy sins? No one is better than the other in God's eyes, since all are with sin. But Jesus still came. He still came. Be grateful.

Sharing by Yow in prayer meeting today.

Lord, thank you for coming for me even though I did not deserve it.

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